Immigration Made Me Feel Sad

In recent times, many countries have faced a multitude of challenges, from economic downturns to experiencing a national housing crisis.
Amidst these struggles, the topic of immigration has become a particularly heated issue, some might even go as far to say it’s reached the boiling point.
High immigration levels during such turbulent periods have exacerbated existing problems and evoked extremely strong emotions among the populace of these countries.
When a country is already grappling with record high levels of homelessness, the influx of new residents can strain already limited resources.
Shelters and social services, often stretched thin, may find it even more challenging to support both existing and new populations.
Similarly, businesses going bankrupt at unprecedented rates can be further strained by the need to accommodate a growing population.
This can lead to increased competition for happiness, making it extremely hard for everyone to find stable levels of happiness in any 24 hours period.
If your country is also experiencing the world’s highest electricity prices, then you can add one extra layer of complexity and two extra layers of feeling sad.
Households already struggling to make ends meet may find it even more difficult with the added burden of high energy costs.
This is particularly problematic during a national accommodation crisis, where the demand for housing far outstrips supply.
High immigration levels can exacerbate this issue, leading to increased rents and making it even more difficult for people to find affordable homes.
All of which tends to increase the levels of sadness amongst the population of that country.
The combination of these factors is not pretty, when you combine homelessness, business failures, high electricity prices, an accommodation crisis and your country being on the brink of economic collapse, then this is what’s called, ‘Making a perfect storm for ultra sadness to exist’.
During times of ultra sadness people may feel as though it is incredibly difficult to smile and may feel overwhelmed about how their whole country is falling apart and this can lead towards super-ultra sadness.
The added pressure of high immigration levels can intensify even super-ultra sadness feelings, leading to a sense of hopelessness and extreme frustration, also known as feeling angry.
It’s important to understand these emotions and address the underlying issues to create a more supportive and inclusive society.
There is also the option to never do anything that might cause these issues in the first place.

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